Orthopedics and Microscopic Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery Center

Our orthopedic department was founded in 1980, and at the same time, we started microscopic spine and spinal cord surgery. Since 1980 and by the end of 2021, we had performed 21755 spine and spinal cord surgeries, and most surgeries under the microscope. In April 2018, we renamed the orthopedic department to "Orthopedics and Microscopic Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery Center".

Around the world, the efficacy of microscopic spine and spinal cord surgery was first reported in the 1970s. The advantage of a surgical microscope is that it provides surgeons with an illuminated and magnified three-dimensional view even within a narrow surgical field. Therefore, a surgical microscope enables the accurate and safe treatment of very fine tissues. Orthopedic surgeons have used the microscope for micro-vascular anastomosis since the early days of microscopic surgery.

Our department was one of the first pioneers of microscopic spine and spinal cord surgeries in Japan. We have also published several surgical text books about microscopic spine and spinal cord surgery in Japanese and in English. Moreover, we have accepted more than a hundred foreign spine surgeons from other countries in our fellowship program.

Recently, we have added advanced technologies to our microscopic spine and spinal cord surgery, such as a robotic surgical system, a microscopic augmented reality (AR) navigation system, a mobile flat panel 3D C-arm, a microscopic AR neuro monitoring system, ultrasonic bone aspirators, etc.

We intend to develop spine and spinal cord surgeries through the integration with our traditional microsurgical techniques and new technologies in order to contribute to the health of our patients.

We appreciate your interest in our center.

Chief director Yasushi Fujiwara, MD.

Our newest microscope and surgical robot